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Hepatitis B

Learn more about symptoms, risk factors and treatment options.

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What is it?

Hepatitis B infection is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). You can get HBV through contact with the blood or body fluids (such as semen, vaginal fluids and saliva) of someone who has the virus.


Symptoms of HBV may include:

  • Abdominal swelling 
  • Fatigue 
  • Fever 
  • Jaundice 
  • Joint pain 
  • Rash 
  • Swelling of arms or legs


When to see a doctor

If you have symptoms that resemble HBV, it’s time to see a doctor. Although treatment is not always necessary, you should be carefully monitored. Early intervention can reduce your risk of liver damage and liver cancer.

Causes and risk factors

Exposure to HBV may occur:

  • After a needle stick or sharp injury
  • If any blood or other body fluid touches your skin, eyes or mouth
  • During childbirth, whether the delivery is vaginal or via c-section

Risk factors for developing HBV include:

  • Having unprotected sex with an infected partner
  • Receiving blood transfusions (not common in the U.S.)
  • Having contact with blood at work (healthcare workers)
  • Long-term kidney dialysis
  • Getting a tattoo or acupuncture with unclean needles
  • Sharing needles during drug use
  • Sharing personal items (such as toothbrush, razor, and nail clippers) with a person who has the virus
  • Being born to an HBV-infected mother


Treatment options

Simple diagnostic tests can confirm if you have been infected with HBV.



Your doctor can help you determine if you have HBV. While it may resolve on its own, they also may recommend the following:

  • Drug therapy
  • Liver transplantation



The HBV vaccine is the best way to protect yourself from HBV. 

If you haven’t been vaccinated, you can help prevent it by:

  • Using condoms
  • Not sharing drug needles
  • Not sharing personal items like toothbrushes, razors and nail clippers with an infected person


Additional conditions

Crohn’s Disease

Gallbladder Disease and Gallstones
